Every Ukrainian in the Book of Life will be given the highest rating, – Boris Lozhkin

After 1973, Yom Kippur in Israel acquired an additional meaning: the Day of Judgment, when the Almighty renders his verdict and makes the final records in the Book of Life, has also become a day of mourning and remembrance.
49 years ago on this day, the Israelis were taken by surprise by the surprise attack of the Egyptian and Syrian armies. People went to defend the country straight from the synagogues, where they prayed for forgiveness for the sins of the past year. The Yom Kippur War lasted 18 days and ended in victory for Israel, with about 3,000 killed against 18,500 on the Arab side.
The war unleashed by russia against Ukraine is much bloodier and has been going on for more than 8 years, but its outcome is obvious: Ukraine will definitely win, and every Ukrainian in the Book of Life will be given the highest rating.
Gmar Hatima Tova!
Good record in the Book of Life!
President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine
Boris Lozhkin